KAN Daisuke
Corporate Panel Speaker
Daisuke Kan is the president of Cheerio Corporation CO. LTD, an innovative Japanese beverage company specializing in carbonated and energy drinks founded in 1961. He currently serves as a Steering Committee Member of Japan Soft Drink Association to strategically coordinate the industry’s sustainable development.
As a practitioner in Social Science, he serves on the Board of Councilors of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) where he is Chair of Sustainable Development of Okinawa (Business) Committee. He is also a Senior Advisor to SkyLab, an organization which promotes equity in STEAM education for junior and senior high school girls. He recently joined Hitotsubashi University Business School, School of international Corporate Strategy as Advisor to Dean. Kan has been an active supporter of LGBTQ rights and recognition and Cheerio has been the top sponsor of Tokyo Rainbow Pride since 2014. In 2020, The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto published a case study of Cheerio for their effort to support LGBTQI+ inclusion and diversity in Japan. In May 2023, he joined the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) as Vice Chair of the Society and DEI Committee to promote Japan's private sector wide allyship and support for LGBTQ community. As the Chair of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 Task Force at Keizai Doyukai, Kan successfully led Keizai Doyukai's first ever sponsorship and participation to Tokyo Rainbow Pride with 50+ of Keizai Doyukai Members/Japan's Top Executives.
In the field of private diplomacy, Kan joined the United States-Japan Foundation’s leadership program, USJLP, in 2014. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the Program’s Fellowship Advisory Council. Kan is also a fellow at Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leadership Program since 2011 and currently serves as Board Member of Asia Society Japan Center.
Kan received his BA in American Studies from the University of Tokyo (2005) and an MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business (2007). He currently serves as a Board Member of Japan Stanford Association.
株式会社チェリオコーポレーション 代表取締役社長
副委員長:経済同友会 社会のDEI委員会(東京レインボープライド2024タスクフォース座長)
運営委員 全国清涼飲料連合会(2024年6月〜)