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Corporate Panel Moderator

Ayano Sasaki is an alumna of the 2017-2018 TOMODACHI MetLife Women’s Leadership Program. This program provided her with the opportunity to reflect on leadership as a woman. During her university years, she actively participated in Japan-U.S. exchanges, serving as Vice Executive Committee Chair of the Japan-America Student Conference. She deepened her understanding of Japan-U.S.-China relations through an exchange program at the University of Hong Kong and later attending the Schwarzman Scholars Program at Tsinghua University. Since 2020, she has been selected as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum, engaging in social contribution activities centered in Fukuoka City.

佐々木彩乃は、2017-2018 TOMODACHI MetLife Women’s Leadership Programのアラムナイです。このプログラムは、彼女が女性としてのリーダーシップを考えるきっかけを与えました。大学時代は日米学生会議の副実行委員長等を務め、日米交流に積極的に参加しました。香港大学への交換留学やその後の清華大学シュワルツマンスカラーズプログラムへの進学など日米中の関係に関心を持ち学びを深めました。2020年から世界経済フォーラムのGlobal Shapersに選出され福岡市を中心に社会貢献活動を行っています。

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