ABE Shotaro
Pitch Contest Speaker
Shotaro Abe is an alumnus of TOMODACHI Boeing Keio SFC Entrepreneurship Seminar 2022. He was selected at the seminar and went to Hawaii for training. He established an orchestra in his hometown, Kamakura, and filled a 600-seat hall at the first concert. Since the first concert was a success, he plans to hold a second concert on January 11 next year. For his second foreign language, he chose Russian. He is thinking about how to build relations with Russia in these difficult times. He is interested in a wide range of things, and besides classical music, he is especially familiar with idols, politics, and ballet. I was a member of a brass band club in high school and college, playing double bass and student conductor. He has appeared many times on radio, including on J wave and FM Yokohama. With his experience in organizing concerts, he has drafted ideas and advised in a variety of settings. He is currently a third-year student in the School of Education at Waseda University.
TOMODACHI Boeing Keio SFC Entrepreneurship Seminar 2022のアラムナイです。セミナーで選抜され、研修でハワイに行きました。地元である鎌倉にオーケストラを立ち上げ、第1回目のコンサートでは600席を満席にしました。第1回目のコンサートが盛況に終わったため、来年の1月11日には第2回演奏会の開催を企画しています。第二外国語ではロシア語を選択。この困難な時代に、どのようにすればロシアと関係を構築できるのかを考えています。幅広いことに関心があり、クラシック音楽以外にも、特にアイドルや政治、バレエに詳しいです。高校、大学と吹奏楽サークルに所属し、コントラバスと学生指揮を担当していました。J waveやFM横浜など、ラジオへの出演経験多数。コンサートを企画した経験を活かし、様々な場で企画の立案や助言に携わっている。 現在、早稲田大学教育学部の3年生。